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== Sam Thomas ==
Technical engineering, plus anything which interests me

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Content website validation with Vale

automation documentation pipelines github github_actions vale linting
1.0 Introduction is hosted using an application called Hugo, this is an application which converts content files, i.e. Markdown, into a collection of (useable) HTML and CSS files; with a selection of themes available. The benefit of this is that new content can be added easily, and managed through version control. However, many spelling and grammar checks are Markdown unaware. Vale enables you to bring “linting” to Markdown-enabled documentation and integrate it into a pipeline. Read more...

SPOF NetworkX Detection

automation graph ipv4 networkx ciscoconfparse python spof
Detecting Single Points of Failure using NetworkX The ability to think of a TCP/IP Network as just a mathematical graph is underutilised by typical (network automation) engineers in my opinion. Graph theory is a well established field of mathematics, and converting a (computer) network to it’s graphical state enables us to reap benefits at minimal cost. In this blog post, I introduce converting a (basic) network to a graph, at the IPv4 layer, using Cisco . Read more...
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